Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
To Empower and challenge people to seek, find, and live out their God-giving calling to radically share the Gospel!

Camp Leaders
Israel & hEIDI oCHOA
Colton & Courtney cRAVATT
Assistant Pastors/Youth Leaders
The burden that comes along with helping youth and young people is a special type of burden. one that our pastors and youth pastors have taken seriously. Each year they have been working to MAKE our youth camp better and better, and help guide, teach, and mold the next generation into what God would want them to be.
Join us this summer - June 11th- June 14TH, 2024
Prepare your hearts and minds for the upcoming summer. We're so excited! If you would like to join us, please click "Register Here" to fill out our Camp Registration form.
Our youth camp is located at the following address:
434 White Oak Dr, Wilmington, OH 45177
434 White Oak Dr, Wilmington, OH 45177
Camp Rules
Campers are not allowed to have playing cards, fireworks, weapons (guns, knives, etc.), tobacco products, or any other item the camp committee deems inappropriate by reason.
Each camper must keep his/her dorm area clean.
Each camper is expected to fulfill their given duties.
All Campers must attend all services and may not leave until dismissed.
Each camper must keep his/her dorm area clean.
Each camper is expected to fulfill their given duties.
All Campers must attend all services and may not leave until dismissed.
Counselor Rules and Responsibilities
A counselor must be 20 years of age.
Because of space restrictions, no more than 1 counselor per 1-10 campers or 2 counselors per 2-20.
All counselors must attend counselor meetings,
Counselors are expected to abide by and enforce the same rules and responsibilities of the camper.
Each church will be assigned various duties throughout the week.
Counselors must make sure that their campers have fulfilled their duties and that all campers participated equally.
Each counselor is required to make sure their campers are present and on time to all services and duties.
Counselors must be at service at all times.
There may not be children under the age of 11 staying in the dorms with their parent/guardian.
Because of space restrictions, no more than 1 counselor per 1-10 campers or 2 counselors per 2-20.
All counselors must attend counselor meetings,
Counselors are expected to abide by and enforce the same rules and responsibilities of the camper.
Each church will be assigned various duties throughout the week.
Counselors must make sure that their campers have fulfilled their duties and that all campers participated equally.
Each counselor is required to make sure their campers are present and on time to all services and duties.
Counselors must be at service at all times.
There may not be children under the age of 11 staying in the dorms with their parent/guardian.
Girls Dress Code
Girls may not wear shorts, pants, shorts, culottes, gauchos, miniskirts, or skirts with splits.
Skirts worn must come below the knee while standing or sitting.
No low-cut blouses, sleeveless or cap sleeve shirts/dresses.
No Jewelry (necklaces, body piercing, etc.), or makeup.
No tight or revealing clothing.
Clothing baring graphics may not contain questionable pictures or slogans.
Girls may not enter or exit the restrooms without being fully clothed in day wear.
Skirts worn must come below the knee while standing or sitting.
No low-cut blouses, sleeveless or cap sleeve shirts/dresses.
No Jewelry (necklaces, body piercing, etc.), or makeup.
No tight or revealing clothing.
Clothing baring graphics may not contain questionable pictures or slogans.
Girls may not enter or exit the restrooms without being fully clothed in day wear.
Boys Dress Code
Boys may not wear shorts, sleeveless or cutoff shirts, or go with shirts unbuttoned.
Boys must wear their pants at the waistline.
No Jewelry (necklaces, body piercing, etc.)
No tight or revealing clothing.
Clothing baring graphics may not contain questionable pictures or slogans.
Boys may not enter or exit the restrooms without being fully clothed in day wear.
Boys must wear their pants at the waistline.
No Jewelry (necklaces, body piercing, etc.)
No tight or revealing clothing.
Clothing baring graphics may not contain questionable pictures or slogans.
Boys may not enter or exit the restrooms without being fully clothed in day wear.